Personal NSV moment today!

While visiting my parents house (which I still have items stored there) I always try to take whatever I have left there when I have free space in my car.

During my teenage years (and into my 20's) I was a rabid comic book collector (yes I was and still am a Geek) and I would pretty much buy any comic that came out from 1989 to around 2000...

I had over 30 long comic book boxes stored in their attic and have slowly taking the boxes when I can. See all my stuff is stored on the 3rd floor of the house, which means I would have to go up two flights of stairs and then bring them down.

The boxes are roughly 50 lbs a piece and I remember bringing them up there to store when I was heavier huffing and puffing as I did it.. :(

So today I had some room in my car so I decided to take some (only planned on taking one or two boxes), I went up the stairs grabbed a box and brought it down to the car then, ran back up the stairs and got another one...

I did this 7 times, and not once did I feel tired OR even break a sweat!

This brought me back to something I have been thinking about now that I am getting into a better shape...

One of the things I think I would love to do, going forward is to become a firefighter.. I was told that for part of the test (physical) it would be to have to walk up a flight of stairs (on a stairmaster for the test) for 3 minutes with a 75 lb pack on my back (to simulate the weight of the oxygen tanks and equipment) WITHOUT using the railings on the side of the machine..

I am loving it that being able to get up the stairs fast and not be winded is a good start.. :)

I have been looking for a routine to get into for my weightlifting and cardio (as all I am really doing at this point is cardio) and I think doing a firefighting training would be a good place to start, even if I don't ever get in.. 
